Customer Log-in
This service is available to all clients with an active Jamm account. It can be used to send us large database files and artwork and view work in progress.
If you know your User ID and Password, click the log in link below and follow the instructions. If you have an active account but no Customer Log In, or if you have forgotten your User ID or password, please email Jamm at

To view your proofs you will need Adobe Reader. The latest version can be downloaded by clicking the logo to the left.
Data will normally be presented in either Comma Separated Values (CSV) or text format (File layout will be provided), which should open in Microsoft Excel. Please note that Microsoft Excel may not display the data in full as it is limited to opening 65,536 records in any one file.

We also compress large data files or proofs
using ZIP compression. For ease of use we recommend Winzip which can
be downloaded by clicking on the Winzip logo to the left.